Adidas sparks body positivity questions with Leila Davis Campaign

adidas leila davis

Adidas latest SS21 campaign is causing all the drama as several took to Instagram over a controversial shoot with Leila Davis.

The model and founder of Blackstage Pole bared her underarm hair in a photoshoot that came under scrutiny and admiration by several as they slugged out whether it was attractive or not for women to have body hairs.

There has been a stereotype of what attractiveness, desirability or beauty is, especially for women, mostly related to age and femininity, this campaign has shed some light on the deep-seated bias many have over women’s bodies and sent a strong message for women to fully own their womanliness.

Despite the backlash, Leila Davis responded by saying having body hairs is so normal and shaving is an intervention based on misogyny.

“It is so misogynistic to attack women for having body hair. They wouldn’t do it to a man, and the level of steam they have for me is definitely because of my Blackness. It makes them mad that this big brand gave me and my armpit hair a platform.”

Leila Davis, founder of Blackstage Pole