Putin reacts to Biden’s controversial interview on ABC News

Putin reacts to Biden's controversial interview on ABC News

In reaction to an interview United States President, Joe Biden had with ABC News where he responded to questions on Vladimir Putin’s personality. The Russian leader has now responded with a tart response leaving a lot to ponder on.

In the interview, President Biden disclosed that he didn’t believe Putin has a soul, a fact he claims he revealed to him when they met. He also answered when he was asked that he believed the russian leader to be a killer.

Upon watching the interview, Putin responded by saying it takes one to know one in an interview that aired. He shared that it is very human for people to extend their personalities onto others and ascribed the US President to be doing same. He, however, wished him good health.

“We always see our own traits in other people and think they are like how we really are. And as a result, we assess (a person’s) activities and give assessments,”

Vladimir Putin

All has not been rosy between the USSR and the United States since President Biden assumed office as President. The U.S leader has established that Russia is responsible for interference in the November elections in 2020 and also holds Russia responsible for large scale hacks that the Soviet has denied on both grounds.

The United States president doesn’t seem convinced as he has lined up a myriad of sanctions for those crimes and the detention of Alexei Navalny’s detention.