International Women’s Day 2021: Way Forward


The need for governments at all levels to create the enabling environment for women to thrive in a man-dominated world has again been stressed.

The need is informed from the achievements of women in various fields of endeavor.

As the world celebrates this year’s International Women’s Day, in a cross-section of people in Jos, Plateau State capital, on the theme: Women in Leadership: Achieving an Equal Future in a Covid-19 world, the people said that it is no doubt that in recent years, women globally have proven to successfully fit into society believed to be dominated by the men folk.

Looking at their antecedents, bringing it closer home, Nigeria’s own former Finance Minister, Ngozi Okonjo Iweala, scaled through as the Director-General of the World Trade Organization, being the first female to occupy the position.

For the respondents, women have what it takes to provide the right leadership, if allowed.

However, when asked if women have been fully involved in decision-making, many said that a lot still needs to be done to enable more women  be carried along when it comes to decision making.

They are worried that in Nigeria, especially in the area of politics, women are hardly given the same opportunities, compared to their male counterparts.

They noted that if the world must become a better place for all, then the involvement of women in politics, and other spheres of life,  must be given topmost attention.