Donald Trump acquitted in 4th Impeachment trial in United States History

Donald Trump acquitted in 4th Impeachment trial in United States History

United States Senate on Saturday voted to acquit former President, Donald Trump of the incitement of insurrection charge levelled against, a spin-off from the U.S Capitol attacks that claimed 5 lives.

The votes 57 – 43 were not enough to convict Trump of inciting the insurrection that took place at the U. S Capitol, after the President persistently called the elections a sham without any evidence to back it up, fuelling public sentiments.

The Senate needed 67 votes to impeach Trump a second time, which will effectively ban him from ever holding any other electoral office.

Although 7 Republicans voted to indict the former President, the most bipartisan support for conviction in US Impeachment history, as it stands the Senate cannot ban Trump from contesting for federal office in the future.

As the trial came to a close, Donald Trump issued a statement thanking all who supported him and his lawyers for standing proudly for the Constitution. Read his statement in part below

“This has been yet another phase of the greatest witch hunt in the history of our Country. No president has ever gone through anything like it,