Inferno destroys 90 shops at Wunti market, Bauchi

Wunti market

Not fewer than 90 shops, properties worth millions of Naira were destroyed in a midnight inferno at Wunti market, the second-largest market in Bauchi state, North-East Nigeria.

Some of the victims who are still counting their losses seek government support.

Bababa Plaza is one of the biggest shopping complexes in the Wunti market of Bauchi metropolis that was engulfed by fire at about 12:19 pm and properties worth millions of Naira were destroyed.

The inferno lasted hours before it was put off by the combined efforts of the fire fighting vehicles from the federal and state fire services and some concerned citizens in the area.

Some of the victims called for government intervention especially the provision of a fire service station at various locations in the state equipped with fire fighting equipment to forestall future occurrences.

Though no life was lost as confirmed by Bauchi State Police Command said the effort is on top gear to assess and compile the level of property loss including damages as a result of the incident.