4,250,000 million children in Nigeria facing Humanitarian Crisis


Save the Children initiative has revealed that of the 60 million needing life-saving support to survive 2021, 4,250,000 million of those children are domiciled in Nigeria.

The 60 million children which account for more than half of the total 117.7 million globally are in just 8 countries; the listed countries are Yemen, Ethiopia, DR Congo, Afghanistan, Sudan, Syria, Pakistan, and Nigeria.

The United Nations had earlier reported that as many as 235 million people, half of which are children will need some humanitarian assistance this year.

In a statement, the CEO of Save the Children shared that quite a number of those children risk starvation and called on well-meaning individuals to offer the much-required assistance.

“We are particularly worried about the numbers of children at risk of acute and severe malnutrition if we fail to act now. We can’t ignore the clear warning signs of dangerous food shortages and the risk of famine in many countries, including Yemen, DRC, South Sudan, and parts of Nigeria.

“Even before the pandemic, children were facing a triple-threat to their rights from conflict, climate change, and hunger. If we delay action, we risk losing thousands – potentially tens of thousands – of children from entirely preventable causes. We cannot let that happen.