Tesla overtakes Facebook as one of the 5 Most Valuable US Companies

Elon Musk affirms that he is not a ‘Normal Dude’ on SNL

Incase you did not already know, yesterday, Elon Musk became the richest man in the world.

The major reason for his unbelievable $150 billion wealth gain within the space of 12 months – Tesla is now one of the most valuable companies on Wall Street. Musk is now worth $188.5 billion in total

If you ever heard of FAANG which stands for – (Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix and Google).

The topmost 5 companies on Wall Street then I hate to break it to you that Tesla will now be replacing Facebook on that list – TAANG.

Tesla has refused to stop gaining momentum and is now worth more than $800 billion, there is no gainsay about it’s future prospects.