Pastor Adeboye jokes about Bukas and Restaurants

Pastor Adeboye jokes about Bukas and Restaurants

The General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Pastor E.A Adeboye on the occasion of the First Service of the year 2021 connected with his humble beginnings while addressing his Children as he likes to call them.

He revealed why he decided to cancel the typical Crossover service at the end of each year. He explained it was a sign of submission to higher authorities and urged the congregation to always show submission to authorities.

During the introductory part of the sermon he jokingly compared food from restaurants to that of bukas and told all restaurant goers that buka food is so much better than those of restaurants.

Pastor Adeboye claimed that the reason was because the knowledge of cooking for Buka owners is innate and as such the results are always perfect. He also jokingly made fun of how the social distancing guidelines created so much distance between him and his wife which he objects to.

According to him, no social distancing can separate him from his wife. It was refreshing to see the G.O of the RCCG show his playful side for someone who is widely known for his formality.