The NewYorker fires top staff for masturbating during Zoom Call


A New Yorker Magazine star reporter was fired for revealing himself during a staff zoom call. The reporter, Jeffery Toobin, who is also CNN senior legal analyst confirmed via tweet that he has been fired. 

According to a source, it was revealed that Mr Toobin was seen masturbating by senior colleagues while on a separate video call . After he was suspended, Toobin revealed that he thought he was off-camera during the incident.

The case is said to have occurred in October during an issue involving The New Yorker magazine and WNYC radio. Toobin later released a statement apologising to his family, friends and colleges for his embarrassingly stupid mistake, as he thought he was not visible on Zoom and the video was muted.

Sources further stated that Toobin appeared to be on another video call, but was seen by colleagues touching his penis moments later.