Rooster Kills Philippine Officer Raiding Illegal Cockfight


A  police officer has been killed by a Rooster after he raided an illegal cockfight held in Northern Samar.

The police officer identified as Lieutenant Christine Blook, was reportedly attacked by the rooster’s gaff [a sharp razor blade was attached to the fighting rooster’s leg].

The blade slashed his left thigh, cutting his femoral artery. He was immediately rushed to the hospital and pronounced dead on arrival.

Colonel Arnel Apud, Provincial police chief, informed reporters that this is the first time in his 25-years in the office that he would lose an officer due to a cockfight spur as he described the incident as unfortunate and a case of bad luck he cannot explain.

Apud also paid his condolences to the victim’s family, sharing his deepest sympathy with them.

Cockfights have been banned ever since the outbreak of the Coronavirus. but before the pandemic, it was allowed only on legal holidays and Local Fiestas.

Ever since the incident, two people have been arrested as long as seven fighting roosters,  Also 550 Philippine Peso ($11; £8) were seized.