First man to be cured of HIV – The Berlin Patient, dies from Cancer

the berlin patient

The first person to be cured of HIV -Timothy Ray Brown dies from cancer. Mr Brown is also known as “the Berlin patient” made medical history as he was recorded as the first patient to be cured of the HIV virus in 2007.

A bone marrow was donated to him by a donor was donated to him by a donor who was naturally immune to HIV. This led to him no longer needing anti-viral drugs and permanently curing him of the virus.

Although he was cured of HIV for more than a decade, Brown suffered a relapse of leukaemia, cancer that affects the bone and blood marrow. 

According to his doctors, the blood cancer had spread to his brain and spine, that resulted in him being in hospice care in his hometown, Palm Springs, California. His death was announced by his partner, Tim Hoeffgen, on social media, as he explained how Brown had been battling leukaemia for the past five months.

Timothy Brown case was one that inspired hope among doctors and patients that a cure can be found. President of the International AIDS Society, Adeeba Kamarulzaman, sheared his condolences with brown family and he stated that he mourns brown with a heavy heart.

Timothy Brown was first diagnosed with HIV in the year 1995 while studying in Berlin and in 2007 he was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia.

Read Also: Too Early to Celebrate Londoner cured of HIV/AIDS