Chinese Doctors in Zimbabwe to promote Traditional Medicine

chinese doctors arrive zimbabwe

10 doctors have recently arrived in Zimbabwe to help fight against the COVID-19 pandemic according to the Chinese Embassy.

The group who will remain at the Parirenyatwa Group of hospitals will promote Chinese traditional medicine to help combat the pandemic.

It is not clear yet why the Asian nationals have chosen Zimbabwe as a destination to proffer such assistance, as Africa has fared well during the pandemic and Zimbabwe is not the country with the worst caseload or death rate on the continent.

There is also the question of how effective and safe the Chinese traditional medicines will be, seeing as they have not been approved by the WHO. Although, the WHO recently backed the emergency use of Chinese COVID-19 vaccines, there are no indications traditional remedies have been approved.

Recall that Chinese Doctors also visited Nigeria a few months back on similar grounds to offer COVID-19 assistance a few months away.

Zimbabwe has recorded 7803 cases in total and 227 deaths as of this writing.