Brexit: EU considers Legal action against the UK over Breach of Contract

Brexit: EU considers Legal action against the UK over Breach of Contract

Within the last 48 hours, the British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson introduced a controversial Internal Market Bill that may be in contravention with the Brexit terms established with the European Union.

This new development has the British PM facing a backlash from the EU bloc and from his own conservative party after announcements that the UK is ready to rescind on its commitments to the EU over the border.

This also pushes the tentative brexit from the EU to more of a No-Deal arrangement.

The Internal Market Bill which will allow for British Ministers to change export declarations for goods moving from Britain to Northern Ireland to ensure trade between both remain free.

The breach stems over the fact that Northern Ireland shares a border with the Republic of Ireland which falls within the European Union.

The European Union have expressed concerns that the actions undermine trust and emergency meetings will be set up to address those concerns.