11 Discos set to hike Electricity Tariffs


Eleven Distribution Companies in Nigeria will begin collecting higher electricity tariffs from specific customers from September.

Distribution companies like the Ikeja and Kaduna electric sent messages to customers to notify them of the coming changes taking effect from 1st September to December 2020.

Under the Service-Based Tariff Structure, customers are expected to be consulted and communicated a guaranteed level of electricity service by the DISCOs, based on hours of supply.

There will be no estimated billing through the strict enforcement of the capping regulation.

This means that unmetered customers will not experience any cost increase beyond what is chargeable to metered customers in the same area.

Under the above conditions, there will be no change in tariffs for the most vulnerable, as tariffs for those consuming 50KW or less remain frozen. Customers receiving less than 12 hours of supply should also not experience any change in tariffs.


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