Mauritians demand probe into Japanese Oil Spill resulting in 40 dead Dolphins

mauritius protest dead dolphins
A boy touches the carcass of melon-headed whale at the beach in Grand Sable, Mauritius, on August 26, 2020. - At least nine melon-headed whales washed up on the shores of Mauritius on Wednesday, according to an AFP journalist at the scene, prompting speculation of a link to an oil spill earlier this month. (Photo by Beekash Roopun / L'Express Maurice / AFP)

Thousands of protesters were in seen in Port Louis, the capital of Mauritius demanding that investigation is conducted over the oil spill from Japanese ship that cost 40 dolphin lives.

The bulk carrier, the MV Wakashio reportedly struck a coral reef last month which resulted in a global environmental emergency. Protesters maintained that they don’t trust the government’s diluted information regarding the oil spill.

Vetirinarians at the Albion Fisheries Research Centre, after conducting preliminary autopsies on the mammals, found no traces of oil in the bodies of two of the mammals, only sustained injuries.