Ahmaud Arbery’s assailant’s seeking release on bond

Ahmaud aubery

Ahmaud Arbery’s assailants, Gregory McMichael and his son, Travis McMichael have requested a Georgia judge to grant them both bond and also throw out two charges in their indictment.

The duo who shot at the 25-year-old Ahmaud Aubery costing him his life for running around their neighbourhood around Brunswick on grounds that they mistook him for a suspected criminal, requested to be freed pending trial.

Their Attorneys argue that their clients have no prior criminal history thus have no risk of fleeing and that his family and 3-year-old son are also in Georgia.

The death of Ahmaud Aubery, George Floyd and Breonna Taylor have resulted in major protests in the United States in recent times despite the widespread pandemic seeing millions protest across major states after the gruesome video of Derek Chauvin kneeling on Floyd’s neck went viral.