All you need to know about the Israel and UAE/Palestinian Peace Accord – The Abraham Accord

peace deal accord

President Trump recently announced, on Thursday the 13th of August to be precise, a surprising deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, known as the Abraham Accord which will have them exchange ambassadors, forge new commercial ties and enhance their security as well as allow direct flights to and fro.

In addition to the afore listed benefits, Israel will suspend the annexation of the West Bank land, the duration however has not been stated explicitly. The United States has predicted that other persian states will soon tow the same route such as Bahrain and Oman.

This agreement makes the UAE the first Gulf Country and the third Arab country to have full relations with Israel since Israle’s independence in 1948, following Egypt and Jordan.

It is widely believed that the deal would lead to stronger economic and political ties between the government and populace of the two nations.

The newly found partnership doesn’t end there as the Emirates and Israeli companies have signed a new commercial agreement to help build coronavirus testing kits. The two companies Apex National Investment and TeraGroup in the same week.

The United Nations and other European countries have welcomed the Peace Accord while noting that the suspension of the annexation plan has been a long awaited news with high hopes that it would lead to peace across the region.

Not everyone is excited with the newly signed agreement as Iran and Turkey rejected the pact and warned of serious consequences. Iran has tagged the deal as an act of “strategic stupidity” while the Turkish President Erdogan disclosed plans to close its embassies and to also suspend diplomatic ties with the UAE following the news. Turkey’s has maintained a strained relationship with Israel for many years.