There may never be a cure for COVID-19, WHO DG, Gbebreyesus warns


The WHO DG Tedros Ghebreyesus has warned that there may be no cure in sight for the novel coronavirus pandemic which has infected as many as 18 million people across the globe.

This comes six months after the pandemic had been declared a global emergency.

The Director warned that the preventive measures such as wearing of face masks and social distancing may remain a staple for a long time to come.

This comes at a time where nations who seemed to have contained the spread of the first wave of the disease are now going under lockdown.

Hong Kong, China, Vietnam and in Melbourne, Australia afmre a few of the places who are dealing with a second wave of the virus.

In Tedros’ words, There’s no silver bullet at the moment, and there might never be. For now, stopping outbreaks comes down to the basics of public health and disease control. Testing m, isolating and treating patients, and isolating and treating all their contacts – do it all.

DG WHO, Tedros Ghebreyesus