Cricket To Go #Redforruth In Final Test Series In Support Of Ruth Strauss Foundation

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England cricket has announced that cricket will go Red for Ruth on Saturday, July 25, to support families who had suffered or facing the death of a guardian to cancer through the Ruth Strauss Foundation.

The series test which was named #raisethebat before cricket’s restart in the UK will be renamed the Ruth Strauss Foundation test, in which cricket will turn red for this year’s Red for Ruth day, as cricket family will wear red, to show their support while watching the game from home.

Funds generated will go into the foundation’s mission of providing pre-bereavement support to the affected families.

England cricket said the players will wear special branded T-shirts with red caps being presented before kick-off.

The event will mark the second year cricket turns red in support of the foundation.

In a statement, Andrew Strauss said he was humbled by last year’s event, with over 28,000 spectators, raising over 500,000 pounds for the charity.

Tom Harrison, England Cricket Board Executive Officer, further said it is an honor to name the third test of the series to honor Ruth Strauss’s foundation while showing its undaunted support for the second year running.

The Ruth Strauss Foundation which is one of the many initiatives highlighted in the raise the bar series will shine a light on key workers and help to connect communities in the UK.

England will play their last test against West Indies on Saturday, which will decide the winner, as two countries are currently on a tie.