Uber At Uk Supreme Court Backs Up Business Model


Today, Uber defends their mode of operation essentially how their business makes money in Britain’s Supreme Court in a battle over workers’ rights in the workplace.

This case has been ongoing and already Uber as lost two appeals since 2016 when the employment tribunal in favor of the workers decided that the then two Uber drivers were entitled to workers’ rights such as minimum wage amongst others.

Uber had earlier claimed that the workability of their business plan is reliable as it has been in use for a very long time by private hire cabs and workers earn more than the minimum wage averagely.

However, the current Uber business model treats drivers as self-employed hence entitled only to minimal benefits.

Most recently, the company has sought a hearing at the Supreme Court on this case, and the hearing will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday.

The verdict is not, however, expected till October and the ruling will decide if the business model will be changed or not as Uber is facing similar