Mount In Rape Cases In Yida Camp South Sudan


There was an outcry in South Sudan’s Yida camp as rape cases mount. According to Nuba refugees, girls are raped on their way to the farms or to fetch firewood.

The refuge who source for means of livelihood themselves since humanitarian aid was cut off September 14, 2019, disclosed they go to farms and markets in search of jobs.

Also, schools are closed and students are home, young girls have become easy victims of rape.

The refugees pleaded with the UN Refugee Agency and other related organizations to look into the increasing number of rape cases.

Nuba women refugees on July 13, marched to the UNHCR office in protest asking for humanitarian aid to be provided.

In 2011 before the Civil war, Yida had 20,000 refugees. In 2012, it grew more than two times its size the previous year to 50,000. In June 2016, the refugees present in the camp were over 70,000.

UNHCR in conjunction with other organizations in 2016 moved refugees to camps in  Ajuong Thok and Pamir. They, however, chose to remain in Yida camp.

In 2017, thousands left Yida because of food scarcity and lack of rain. About 27,500 refugees moved from to Nuba mountains to South Sudan.