I Wish You Best In Very Difficult Times, Miller tells Trump


James Miller Jr., the United States of America’s military adviser, publicly resigned from his post after the President, Donald Trump’s photo stunt at the St. John’s Episcopal Church.

Miller Jr. wrote in his resignation letter that he took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, but on Monday, Miller believes the oath was violated by Mark Esper, the United States Secretary of Defense.

Miller said his reason is behind Trump’s controversial visit to the church in Washington DC, where the crowd of protesters was violently dispersed by the police and National guard with the use of tear gas and flashbangs.

Later, Donald Trump posed in front of St. John’s Episcopal Church with a Bible held up in his right hand for a photo op.

During Trump’s visit to the church, Mark Esper was present along with Mark Milley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and a US Army General.

In his letter, Miller condemned the actions of Esper and Milley, for accompanying Trump while ‘law-abiding’ protesters were being violently dispersed.

Miller said although neither of them could have been able to stop the President from his actions, they visibly supported him.

Miller served on the United States Military Defense Science Board, a committee of experts that advises the US Department of Defense on scientific and technical matters such as; communication technology, cyber, weapons of mass destruction, etc.

At the end of his letter, Miller signed, ‘I wish you the best, in very difficult times.’