9 Year-Old Kenyan Invents Hand Washing Machine


Stephen Wamukota, a nine-year-old boy in Western Kenya, decided to invent a hand washing machine to help people wash their hands properly without touching any surface when he learned about the COVID-19 disease and how it spreads.

Stephen said that he decided to build the structure after watching a documentary on TV on how cars are built.

The hand-washing structure eliminates the need to touch any surface to wash the hand and reduces the risk of contracting and spreading the virus.

The structure has two levers. When the user steps on the left lever, it tilts the soap down and dispenses the liquid onto the palm, next, the user steps on the right lever which tilts the water reserve (keg) towards them and dispenses the water.

Stephan lives with both his parents and five siblings. His father, James Wamukota, spoke out saying how proud he was of his nine-year-old son and how impressed he was with his extent of reasoning.

James said that Stephen asked him for some money so that he can rebuild the structure with metal parts.