Cameron: Fire Outbreak In An Overcrowded Prison


There was a fire outbreak in an overcrowded maximum-security prison in Doula on Thursday, May 28.

Three prisoners were severely injured as they sustained burns from the fire outbreak.

This was confirmed by the local chiefs who disclosed the three prisoners are admitted in the hospital receiving treatment.

Police and firefighters arrived New Bell Jail and were able to stop the fire from spreading beyond the four walls of the prison.

The overcrowded prison is located in a densely populated area of the commercial capital close to the central market.

Two firefighters were also injured. Thick smoke from the prison attracted residents who gathered in front of the prison watching in dismay.

According to the Human rights groups,  Cameroon’s prisons are popular for being overly crowded, poor sanitation and hygiene, diseases and cases of brutality and torture. 

A report from the Amnesty report shows that the New Bell jail was built in the 1930s with the capacity of 800 prisoners.

But the prison as of 2011, keeps 2,500 prisoners which is more than double its original capacity.Some prisoners tried to escape during the fire outbreak as they climbed prison walls.

They were however stopped by Police surrounding the prison.

This was confirmed by Samuel Ivaha Diboua, the regional governor.

The cause of the fire outbreak is still unclear.