Namibia continues to restrict sale of alcohol, drugs during lockdown

namibia restricts sale of alcohol

Restriction of alcohol during the imperative lockdown in Namibia continues. The sale of drinks with more than 3% of alcohol is banned. The Namibian police, however, have recorded skyrocketing use of drugs in the nation during this period.

In a statement released in April, Kauna Shikwambi, spokesperson to the police stated that drug dealing remains unlawful in  Namibia and anyone found guilty would be arrested and made to face the law. Drug users and drug dealers will be lawfully punished.

Last month, the Namibian police nabbed 143 suspects and seized N$502 120 worth of the drug. The most used drug is cannabis and then mandrax cocaine powder, and crack cocaine.

The major number of the suspects arrested are Namibians with 5 Congolese, two Somalis, and two Angolans. Alcohol remains prohibited in the nation has part of the urgent response and regulation of the pandemic disease.