Coronavirus: Kenyan Government Lockdown Two Neighbourhoods


The Kenyan government has closed down two neighbourhoods in the country, one in the capital Nairobi, and the other in Mombasa.

The decision to close down these areas was made when the Kenyan authorities realised that a high percentage of the confirmed cases of the Coronavirus came from these neighbourhoods.

As soon as the authorities announced their intention to lockdown the neighbourhoods, many residents fled to avoid the lockdown.

The neighbourhoods involved Mombasa Old Town and Nairobi’s Eastleigh.

The lockdown of these areas began on Wednesday, May 6, by 7 pm and will continue for the next 15 days.

Movement in and out of both neighbourhoods have been stopped.

The residents still within the neighbourhood have expressed concerns about the provision of food and supplies.

Kenya has confirmed 607 cases of Coronavirus and has recorded 29 deaths.