Why Bernie Sanders’ presidential candidacy was restored


On the 4th of May, a federal judge, Analisa Torres in the United States of America ruled that the New York Board of Election must restore Senator Bernie Sanders to the ballots and hold a presidential primary election including the 10 other presidential candidates who qualified for the ballot.

As a result of the pandemic, the state of New York cancelled the Democratic presidential primary which was scheduled to hold on the 23rd of June.

Although Bernie Sanders already dropped out of the presidential primary on the 8th of April, he will stay on the ballot for the remaining primary cycle.

While other states in the United States of America chose to postpone their primaries election, New York is the only state in the country that made the decision to cancel it.

The court ruling was a result of the lawsuit filed by Andrew Yang, a former presidential candidate. The board of elections claimed to be concerned about the spread of the COVID-19 virus during an in-person voting process, saying that their concern is behind their decision to cancel the election.

The New York State governor Andrew cuomo announced that the state would provide prepaid postage to registered voters and sent absentee ballot applications so that voters can vote from home without risking the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

New York state is the state with the highest number of COVID 19 virus cases with 330,139 confirmed cases of the COVID-19 virus within the states and a total of 25,204 deaths have been recorded and counting.