Donald Trump gets defensive as COVID-19 cases hit 1,012,000 in the United States

Trump is not taking the Social Media Ban too well...

Yesterday, 27 April, the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the United States jumped to over a million. The number of infections increased by more than 27,000 which made the total number of coronavirus infection plunge to over a million. As gathered from a private research university in Baltimore, John Hopkins.

The tally shows the US has at least 1,012,000 cases of COVID-19,  58,365 death poll, and 140,138 recovered persons.  New York remains the nerve centre of the pandemic disease in the US with 160,000 recorded cases and 12, 509 deaths.

Donald Trump defended the results on twitter stating that the United States has recorded that many cases because of extensive testing carried out within the shores of the country.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, over one million cases of the infectious disease in the US happen at the time when 7 COVID-19 models look forward to an increase in coronavirus cases which relies on how much ‘’contact reduction’’ America citizens to practice.

State-level forecasts differ, it shows dissimilarities in prior epidemic phases, the timing of intervention, and model-specific assumptions. Some COVID-19 model that factors in strong contact reduction proposes that death will continue to occur but will reduce considerably in the next 4 weeks.