WHO DG, Ghebreyesus expresses concerns over adverse effect of COVID-19 on children


On Monday, 27th of April, the World Health Organisation warned that children around the world may die if they stop receiving vaccinations for deadly diseases such as polio, yellow fever, meningitis, cholera, etc.

Vaccinations in some countries have been temporarily suspended due to the COVID 19 pandemic outbreak. About 21 countries have reported a shortage in the vaccines since travel has been restricted in many countries as a result of the pandemic lockdown.

Director-General of the World Health Organisation Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in a press conference that the organisation was deeply concerned about the impact the COVID 19 outbreak would have on other health services, especially for children.

The children could likely be at a relatively lower risk than adults from severe diseases and death from the COVID 19 virus, but they can be more vulnerable to other diseases that can be prevented with vaccinations.

This week is the world immunization week. More than 20 diseases can now be prevented with vaccinations. Annually, more than 116 million infants are vaccinated worldwide.

Due to the COVID 19 pandemic, healthcare has been suspended for other viruses and diseases such as malaria. The World Health Organisation warned last week that the death toll from malaria in Sub-Saharan Africa could double if proper healthcare for the disease is abandoned for the COVID 19.