World Health Organization says that death toll from Malaria could double during the COVID-19 pandemic

Oxford University proffers Malaria Vaccines

In the wake of the COVID 19 virus outbreak, other life-threatening illnesses such as Lassa Fever and malaria that kills hundreds and thousands of people annually have been ignored as a result of the outbreak.

The world Health Organisation has warned that if care is not taken the death toll from malaria could double during this COVID 19 pandemic.

The United Nations organisations health agency sent out instructions to the countries in sub-saharan Africa, where the cases and death toll of malaria is worse to rapidly distribute tools and prevention materials for malaria immediately before the cases of the malaria becomes too overwhelming to handle along with the pandemic.

The pandemic is said to have severely disrupted the insecticide treated nets campaign to prevent malaria and has restricted access to antimalaria drugs which could double the deaths from malaria from sub-saharan Africa.