Physician warns that there’s no proof Chloroquine can cure COVID-19


 Dr Tinuade Ogunlesi, a medical doctor with the Ogun State Teaching Hospital, Abeokuta,  has said that there is no confirmation yet to the claim that Chloroquine can destroy COVID-19.

Ogunlesi, on Saturday, shed more light on the backdrop of a reported claim that Chloroquine is an antidote to COVID-19. As the United States President, Mr Donald Trump, had earlier in the week said that Chloroquine could cure COVID-19.

Ogunlesi, however, said that the U.S. Food and Drug Agency had not recommended Chloroquine for clinical use to prevent or treat COVID-19.

He said that the National Agency for Food, Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) in Nigeria only recommended Chloroquine for clinical trial and not for prevention or treatment of COVID-19.

According to him, there is no confirmation yet that Chloroquine destroys the COVID-19 virus.  

“When the clinical trials are concluded and there is overwhelming proof of its efficacy, the relevant agencies will make the pronouncement.’’

According to him, till then, avoid Chloroquine so that you may live long enough to witness the end of the COVID-19 crisis.

“Chances are that, if you avoid handshakes and hugs, if you wash your hands frequently, apply alcohol-based sanitisers after touching items in public places and if you learn to maintain safe social distance, you may not even contract COVID-19,’’ he said.

He said every drug was a potential poison, and even simple Paracetamol, when taken in excess, could damage the liver.

He added that in toxic doses, Chloroquine could damage the eyes and cause vision loss.

“It irritates the heart and the heart loses its rhythm and this, in turn, results to heart failure, and when the heart begins to fail, every organ in the body suffers.

“It may be so bad that the amount of blood circulating in the body becomes ineffective to adequately supply the organs with the needed oxygen and nutrients.

“It irritates the ears and impairs hearing. There are lots more of life-threatening effects from its usage’’

He advised the public to always observe the recommended precautions against COVID-19.

He said they should avoid ingesting a poison that might kill or damage the body irreparably when they were not sure that the persons they had contact with truly had cases of COVID-19.

“Chloroquine has just been recommended for trials in COVID-19, rather than for treatment or prevention of COVID-19.’’

He said one might not die from COVID-19 if measures were taken to safeguard it.

He, however, said that if one should ingest Chloroquine recklessly, such a person could be vulnerable to death.