Folajimi Adebowale, a Public Health Expert sheds light on how to properly Self-Isolate

folajimi adebowale

A public health practitioner, Folajimi Adebowale has shed some light on the most recent Coronavirus cases announced in Nigeria, yesterday.

Firstly, he clarified that the patients identified were those coming in from high-risk zones such as the United Kingdom and the United States and only the chauffeur driving one of the patients contracted the disease, which is currently getting medical attention in isolation.

When asked on the possibility that shutting the borders earlier could have helped curtail the disease, he maintained that the government was doing the best it could to ensure that the disease doesn’t spread any further and because the virus is novel, the government is responding in the best possible way to manage it, just like other nations are.

He further advised that we’ve reached the stage where social distancing should be paramount such as reducing handshakes and bodily contact, avoiding big spaces such as big gatherings and assemblies including religious gatherings of over 50 members.

He also mentioned that confined spaces with a carrier could be extremely dangerous such as air-conditioned close spaces.