Eritrea places Travel ban on both International and Domestic Travel

eritrea bans all travel

The Eritrean government has taken the threat of the COVID 19 virus very seriously. The Ministry of Health of Eritrea has issued guidelines to all individuals residing in the country.
No travel is allowed both outside the country and within the country.

The country has not yet confirmed any cases of the COVID 19 virus but the country’s closest neighbours, Sudan and Ethiopia have confirmed cases of the virus recently.

The guidelines issued by the health ministry of Eritrea Includes;
·        No domestic or international travel unless in an extremely urgent and unavoidable situation.
·        Every individual residing in the country must make significant effort to avoid large crowds and public gathering.

These restrictions placed by the ministry of health is to ensure the COVID 19 virus does not spread within the country.

The migration of individuals from an infected part of the country to an uninfected part of the country will encourage the virus to spread and large gatherings can cause the virus to spread rapidly.