Tanzania’s Police currently investigating the poisoning of CCM Deputy Chairman, Philip Mangula

philip mangula poisoning under investigation

Phillip Mangula the Deputy Chairman (mainland) of CCM’s was poisoned at the party’s headquarters in the commercial capital. According to the Regional Police commander, Phillip had slumped while attending the party’s meeting chaired by Dr John Pombe Magufuli the Chairman of CCM’S.

The meeting was held to address important and pressing issues like the discipline of some of the party’s cadres. Dar es Salaam revealed. Mangula was driven to the Muhimbili National Hospital after he had collapsed.

He was then admitted to the intensive care unit where he was attended to. The police in the City and other organs ruled that Mangula was poisoned. Following this, the police stated that investigations are ongoing to unravel those behind it.

It was in the same meeting Mangula attended before he collapsed that Bernard Membe the then Minister of Foreign Affairs was expelled and Abdulrahman Kinana was also suspended for a year 6 months.