Tyler Perry Nephew’s death in Prison to be investigated


Gavin Porter, nephew to the famous American film writer and director Teyler Perry reportedly committed suicide while serving his time in prison.

Porter died on Saturday inside his cell in Louisiana at the Union Parish Detention Centre after he was said to have been involved in several fights with fellow inmates in the early hours of the day he died.

The fight and death are under investigation as gathered from The News-Star. Porter got himself in Prison after he shot his father dead, Gary Wayne Porter, following a fight they both had.

Although no further detail was provided on the death of Gary Porter, Gavin however pleaded guilty in April 2017. There are several counts of unfortunate events the Perry family had faced. 3 years ago in Louisiana, the house of Tyler’s father Emmit Perry was consumed by fire.

The older Perry was inside at the time of the incident, but he, however, made it out in one piece. The American movie star and producer also stated that he had to grow and learn to forgive his father Emmit Perry of childhood abuse and trauma inflicted upon him.

‘It took a tremendous amount of prayer, but the biggest thing that helped me understand it is that me holding onto what I was holding onto wasn’t hurting him … but it was killing me.” Tyler said.