Famous Rwandan Gospel Singer, Kizito Mihigo, showed signs of depression before suicide

Famous Rwandan Gospel Suicide, Kizito Mihigo

Popular Rwandan gospel musician, Kizito Mihigo was found dead in his cell yesterday, Monday, 17th of February 2020. On Friday the 14th of February 2020, Mihigo was arrested during his attempt to escape from Rwanda to Burundi, a neighbouring country and according to witnesses, Mihigo tried to bribe the officers that caught him.

Charges against Kizito Mihigo includes Bribery and corruption, Murder, Illegal crossing to Burundi, and Joining the terrorist group. In April 2014, Mihigo released a song reflecting genocide against Tutsis.

Tutsi is Mihigo’s ethnic tribe, a tribe where about 25,000 people were violently murdered in 1993 in a genocide killing due to the death of Burundi’s first president, Melchior Ndadaye. The war reignited in 1994 where about 800,000 – 100,000 Tutsis were murdered in another genocide killing from the Hutus (the tribe of the Burundi president).

The song Mihigo released sparked conflict in Rwanda, which led to his arrest, he was accused of planning to oust the government and planning the murder of the president of Rwanda, Paul Kagame. Mihigo’s trial began on the 6th of November 2014 where he pleads guilty of all charges.

In February 2015 Mihigo was sentenced to 10 years in prison for treason and later discharged of all charges. Some say it’s because he has been a positive figure in Rwanda, he is described as one of the country’s biggest cultural icon and known for his songs of forgiveness and healing.

Whereas Cassien Ntamuhaga who Mihigo listed as his accomplice in his crimes has been in prison serving for his crimes of treason since 2015.

According to police reports, the authorities found Mihigo with his bedsheet around his neck hanging from his cell window just three days after his arrest and attempted escape.

Marie-Michelle Umuhoza, Rwanda Investigation Bureau (RIB) spokesperson said Mihigo had been showing signs of depression since his arrest. She said he refused to talk to anyone, including his family and lawyers when they came to visit.