ANRP to contest delisting as Political party by INEC


Abundant Nigeria Renewal Party (ANRP) has denounced its delisting as a duly registered political party in Nigeria, by the election management body, the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) as according to INEC, the party, (along with 74 others) ‘did not satisfy the requirements of the Fourth Alteration to the Constitution’, in their announcement earlier today.

In the past 2 years and 3 weeks that ANRP has operated as a fully-registered party — having waited impatiently for 12 months to be so registered by INEC having met and surpassed all requirements —we have conducted ourselves with utmost professionalism, forming a coalition of untainted, altruistic, and driven patriots, who are fed up with the status quo and the sinking state of the nation.

Within this time we built a culture based on the ‘ANRP DNA’, we modelled the character of the new Nigeria we envisioned. We engaged on issues, critiqued responsibly, and offered policy alternatives.

Many ran for office in 2019, but we all underestimated the sordid reality in the political industry, beginning with a rotten INEC, the electorate, the rules, practices, and entire political ecosystem. In all of this, it cannot be said we did not try.

ANRP vehemently disagrees with INEC for basing their decisions solely on the 2019 general elections, along with the entire injustice and unfairness associated with the delisting. The party shall, therefore, be challenging this travesty (solely and along with others) in the court of law.

This little glitch constitutes but a blip in the story and trajectory of our beloved party. We remain strong, undeterred, and committed to the values and ideals that brought us together for the rescue mission of our beloved nation.

We shall also be using this time to recalibrate and reorganise, as we continue to build stronger bonds within, and coalitions with other political parties of like mind.

There shall be further and more specific communications in the due course. The party urges members, lovers, and supporters to stay strong and resolute. THIS IS OUR OWN!