Mike Tyson reveals Michael Jackson was a ‘Player’ and appearance was only misleading…

michael jackson was a player

Mike Tyson, while reminiscing on the past in an exclusive on T.I’s Expeditiously, revealed that before he met Michael Jackson, he loathed him because he felt Michael treated him like a nobody despite being the ‘Heavyweight Champion of the World’

However, that changed really quickly after he happened to meet with the world-famous singer hanging out with a mutual friend.

According to Tyson, he instantly buried the hatchet with Michael as he found him to be a cunning genius and not a f**king idiot in his own words.

He also says that Michael’s appearance was quite misleading as Michael was indeed a ladies man and was an expert in seduction. The ‘King of Pop’ he said offered pointers on how to land beautiful women.

Clearly, Michael is still dearly missed.