Survivors of the New Zealand Volcanic Eruption suffer extensive burn

new zealand volcanic eruption survivors

The Volcanic eruption in New Zealand that happened yesterday 9 December 2019 on White Island had a reported 47 people paying a visit to the Island. It was gathered that both Children, adult and old were injured. The ages of the injured people ranged from 13-72 years. Also, 8 people are still missing from the deadly eruption.

The volcanic eruption in New Zealand killed at least 6 people and left the survivors with burns on their bodies and lungs. With the extent of burns sustained from the volcanic ash and gas, Pete Watson the Ministry of health Spokesman stated that it’s possible not all the survivors will survive.

This incident didn’t only affect people from New Zealand but citizens from other the U.K, U.S and Australia were also affected. Hayden Marshall-Inman happened to be the first victim of the eruption that was identified dead according to Radio New Zealand.

While the other five victims are still unidentified, it was gathered from a Facebook post by the Malaysian High Commission in Wellington that one of them is a Malaysian Citizen.

On Tuesday, it was disclosed by the New Zealand Deputy Commissioner that a criminal investigation will be opened into the Eruption. However, a few hours later a police statement clarified that investigations are on-going but it’s too early to be sure if there is eventually going to be a criminal investigation.

Following the nationwide discussion about if people were supposed to be allowed on the eruption, the Chairman of the White Island Tours Peter Quin ‘’On the morning (the Volcanic activity) was level 2, we had no indication of this event occurring. There was nothing that signalled there was going to be an eruption’’. Quinn said.