Why is the Thanksgiving Holiday celebrated every November in the States?


The ’’First Thanksgiving’’ is a federal holiday widely celebrated in the United States on the last Thursday of November every year. It is regarded as the beginning of the fall – Winter holiday season in the American culture. It became a federal holiday officially in the year 1863, following the events of the American Civil war, it was on and off until Abraham Lincoln came into power and officially declared it a national day of ‘’Thanksgiving and praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the heavens‘’, to be recognized on the last Thursday of November.

The celebration originated from the Plymouth Plantation, it’s settlers were called the pilgrims ,they were the first to ever celebrate ‘’First Thanksgiving‘’ in 1621 ,the pilgrims were a group of Indian wanders who settled in ancient Europe and later learned the ways of the English, they studied the English language, followed their religious way and soon established their place among the Europeans, they held a harvest feast thankful for a successful harvest season of their corps and the preservation of life throughout the year of a plague that claimed the lives of so many of them, the feast lasted for three days, according to an attendee Edward Winslow was attended by 90 Native Americans and 53 pilgrims.

The celebration continued yearly as just a religious practice and gradually became a ritual yearly observed by the people, yearly people would gather to give thanks, cook various meals to share amongst the community, dance and rejoice for the good things of the year.

Soon after, the massacre of the Indians in 1622 they moved to Virginia and decided to settle near the present-day New-York and continued their celebration, began to spread to other parts and was proclaimed a federal celebration in 1777 by George Washington, leader of the revolutionary forces in the American Revolutionary war declaring Thanksgiving for victory over the British at Saratoga, which Abraham lincoln continued with, of which has been a tradition ever since to date.