My Travel Series: Oyindamola journals first trip to the United States of America!


Doha Experience

Just as we were about to land in Doha, I got a glimpse of the beautiful city from above. The view wasn’t only breathtaking but the city was well lit with streetlights which made it a beautiful view from above, in contrast to Nigeria.

When we got down from the plane, there was a bus available to drive us into the airport. Getting off that plane made it the first time I was ever on another man’s land away from home. Although I was enthralled by the difference between the country I was used to and this new city, I had just arrived at but I acted rather calm about the whole change.

For the first time ever I was in the same room with people from different races and cultural backgrounds. The airport was very big that was the reason we needed a bus to convey us from the runway to the main airport. It was also very beautiful.

We proceeded to check in again for our flight to New York City which was scheduled to leave at 1:30 am. Then an announcement came in that we would board on the plane 15 minutes later than expected which ended up being longer than that.

We boarded the plane at 1:55 am. The plane took off at 2:17 am.