Halloween Party Gone Wrong: 5 people dead and several others injured

5 people dead at halloween party

A Halloween party organized at a four-bedroom Airbnb apartment owned by Micheal Wang in California took a turn for the worse as five people were left dead and others terribly injured. The news of the Halloween party was circulated on social media tagged as ‘’Airbnb mansion party’’, attenders of the party were mostly young adults who came from different neighbourhoods to party ‘wild’.

According to other occupants of the Airbnb apartments, while the party was going, sounds of multiple gunshots erupted and mass of the party attendees raced out of the apartments, scattered all around. Devan one of the party attendees, in his statement, said ‘’Everybody started running, scrambling, people were just collapsing and friends were helping friends. It was a scary situation and then as everyone was panicking and stuff, there were more shots.’’

After the shoot out, three victims were found dead on the property, the fourth died in the hospital and later on Friday night one more passed away, unfortunately. The authorities have identified the victims as Tiyon Farley aged 22, Omar Taylor aged 24, Ramon Hill jr aged 23, and Javin County aged  29 and Oshiana  Tompkins aged 19 who died late Friday at the hospital. Many others were also found badly injured.

However, no arrest has been made linking to the shoot out attack at the Halloween party. The only information on the ground about the party is that the rental request came from an anonymous woman who claimed her family of 12 needed the apartment for the night due to medical conditions to avoid been damage from the wildfire smoke 97km away.

Following the shoot out tragedy, Airbnb chief executive has said the company will ban ‘’party houses’’ and also banned the renter from its platform and it has been removed as a listing.
Parents and loved ones of the victims have been devasted by the terrible news, California mourns