Celebrity Actress, Sandra Luesse removes breast implants due to Breast Implant Illness


Sandra Luesse, a 37-year-old award-winning actress in Hollywood decided to get a breast enlargement surgery done. She got breast implants which moved her from a B-cup to a triple D in 2016.

However, 18 months after getting the implants done, her system began to fail. Her body began to exhibit, an array of peculiar symptoms that kept affecting her day to day life. The symptoms included constant yeast and urinary tract infections, a white film on her tongue, pain in her breasts, thinning hair, foggy memory, and mood swings.

According to her, before getting the implants she was super healthy and hardly ever got sick. The new change in her body caused her to seek medical attention and diagnosis which couldn’t be identified by various doctors. She said ‘’I literally thought I was dying because I went to so many doctors and specialists who couldn’t diagnose me’’.

After a year of dealing with health challenges, she received information from a friend about breast implant illness. With more personal research she stumbled across a Facebook group with over 80,000 women sharing similar tales of how implants ruined their lives.

This helped Sandra to realize that her implants could possibly be the reason for the strange symptoms. Shortly after, Sandra went for a procedure to have her implants removed she thereafter testified that some of the strange symptoms disappeared the same day after the surgery, and the others took about a month to vanish.

Today many women are suffering from these various symptoms and are ignorant of the fact that it could be as a result of the implants. A lot of plastic surgeons fail to mention the reactions patients are likely to suffer from these artificial bags of liquid.

Though it is of fact that various medical bodies do not acknowledge that there is a condition called breast implant illness, however, these bodies provide lists of publicly known side effects of having breast implants.

These effects include; fatigue, chest pain, hair loss, light sensitivity, depression, brain fog, sleep disturbance, anxiety, e.t.c

According to the food and drug administrations, breast implants are not built to last a lifetime, the longer breast implants stay in a woman’s body the higher the risk of complications occurring. Complications can also occur at any time after breast implant surgery.

The most common breast implants complications include:  

  • Hardening of the breast tissue
  •   Rotation of the implant within the breast
  •  Breast infection
  •    Nerve damage to the nipples
  •  Being unable to breastfeed or producing less breast milk e.t.c

In addition, an immune system cell cancer called anaplastic large cell lymphoma can occur as a result of breast implant complications. This type of cancer is extremely rare but has been found in a small number of women who had breast implant surgery.

This cancer is mostly detected, several years after the breast implants have been placed. There is usually a swelling of one of the breasts where there is an implant.

Different breast implants come with various complications which can be life-threatening. It is very important and advisable to research the various breast implants, types and sizes, their possible complications and side effects. It is also very crucial to know exactly what suits your body if you intend to get one.