World’s Largest Treehouse burns down within 15 minutes


Fire burns down the world’s largest treehouse
The treehouse which is over 97 feet tall, located in Crossville, Tennessee, got burnt down this week in just 15 mins.

The treehouse was a 10 story building which had over 10,000 square foot of floor space and had over 80 rooms. The treehouse initiative began through an alleged vision from God shown to minister Horace Burgess.

The vision came into view in 1993. In Horace’s report to Atlas Obscura in 2013, Horace claims that God came to him and said ‘’if you build me a Treehouse, I will get you all the supplies.’’

Apparently, God kept his word to him.
Over time people in the community dropped off wood and Burgess began to build the treehouse, the structure was built atop an 80-foot tall oak tree, with six other trees offering support.

Since its creation, the treehouse was opened to all, it became a tourist attraction centre and church services were held there until the fire department deemed it unsafe and closed it to the public in 2012.

The cause of the fire is unknown and it’s still currently under investigation.