Dear Nigerian Workers, Read about your Rights as an Employee here!

employee tells bosses he was overpaid

In the wake of the Divergent Enterprise scandal, it is crucial to understand the fundamentals of the cooperate world. Things like your rights as an employee should come to mind if you don’t already know it. The regulation of the state of a nation relies on the productivity of the business sectors. Productivity can only be attained when employers and employees understand their job descriptions.

It is vital to know your obligations and rights as an employer or an employee of a business organization. An employer is an authority that employs and pays employees for their labour. It may be an individual or a company representing many people while an employee is a person who works under an organization. So here are a few things the Labour Acts states concerning employment.

Written Contract

An employer is expected to offer an employee a written contract strictly list out an employee’s job description in writing which gives a break down of what is expected and the entitlements attached to foster better understanding between both parties. The written contract should also entail the work hours, wages and most importantly, the name of the employer. An employee is expected to stick to the job description assigned to him or her except he or her wishes to explore other duties only based on one’s will.

Conducive Work Environment

An efficient working space should be created for each staff member. There are various factors that should be considered by an employer in terms of creating a conducive workspace. These factors include; infrastructures, and basic necessities like toilets, drinking water, washing facilities, e. t. c, clean surroundings free from dirt and toxic materials, and having a flexible work schedule in place for the staff members to help reduce mental stress. An inconducive workspace gives room for problems like health issues both physical and mental, constant complaint from the staffs and constant disagreements. All of these leads to poor productivity.

Paid Leave

Employees also have the right to a certain amount of paid holiday each year. Pregnant female workers are entitled to time off for antenatal care. The labour Act states that a pregnant female worker is entitled to six weeks leave before her expected delivery date and another six weeks after the delivery. Men are also entitled to 10 days paternity leave.

Salary/ Wages

An employer is also expected to pay each staff what him/her is due and when it is it due. Also, clearly state it in a provided payslip. If deductions are made it should also, be clearly stated and outlined. This helps to foster transparency in the organisation. It is worth of note to state that Employers are not allowed to deduct an employee’s wages except it causes injury or loss to the employer and with prior consent of an authorised labour officer.


An employee has the right to daily and weekly rest breaks. This helps to stabilise the brain and relief it of stress from hours of work. Also, if a worker works for over 6 hours a day, the individual is entitled to a minimum of one-hour rest-interval and for every consecutive 6 consecutive workdays, a worker should have the next 24 hour period as rest mandatorily. Workers are also entitled to 12 days’ sick leave certified by a medical practitioner for temporary illness.


An employer is obligated to terminate the employment of an employee in the organisation if the employee has not lived up to what is expected concerning the job or has breached the contract of the job description. It is against the law to issue an employee letter of employment termination without notice prior to the date. When an employee has been employed for three months or less, the contract may be terminated given a minimum of a day’s notice, for a period less than two years, a minimum of one week notice should be given by the terminating party. For a period of fewer than 5 years at least two weeks notice is required and for over 5 years, a month notice must be given.

An employee should be result driven and diligent in working to be more productive and to avoid query from the office manager. A defined relationship between an employer and its employee is very important in the co-operate world because, it fosters better understanding between both parties, and leads to the smooth running of the organisation. Start defining your work relationship and know your rights and obligations today.


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