(Photos) Customs intercept Diesel Tanker filled with 250 bags of smuggled Rice!

customs seize 250 bags of rice

The Nigerian Customs have seized a diesel tanker fully loaded with 250 bags of foreign bags of rice along the Daura axis of Katsina state within a truck with plate no NSR95ZC.

According to the Regional Comptroller of the command, Ahmed Nasiru, the bags were carefully concealed in two of the three compartments of the gasoline tanker and as such is no longer safe for consumption.

Read his statements below:

“Rice seizures are what we do every day. There is something in what we are witnessing today where smugglers now resort to using fuel or diesel tankers to smuggle items such as rice.

“Now, we are talking about the health hazards of these foreign rice concealed inside compartments made for the storage of fuel and diesel.

You can agree with me that such item may no longer be safe for consumption because it is already poisoned for human consumption.

“Again, you can agree with me that since these smugglers can use fuel tankers to smuggle rice, they can also use the same means to smuggle dangerous items such as arms and ammunition, guns, tramadol and other illicit drugs! We need to be watchful.”

He, therefore, urged well-meaning Nigerians to join hands to help fight such activities as the goods in question have detrimental health implications. The driver and motor boy of the tanker reportedly fled during the inspection process.