Justin Trudeau on hot seat as Canada goes to the Polls Today!

canada goes to the polls today

Justin Trudeau, the incumbent Prime Minister has his fingers crossed as Canadians heads to the polls today to determine the next Prime Minister.

Trudeau, the representative of the Liberal Party is currently running against Andrew Scheer of the Conservative Party. Although Trudeau has been endorsed by former American President, Barack Obama, his opponent, Andrew Scheer claims to have thousands of Canadians behind him and is not interested in what former foreign leaders are saying.


There is news, however, that Obama is extremely popular in Canada with his favorability rating staked at 81%. Trudeau has suffered significant image damage recently. One based on an investigation that showed he violated the ethics law influencing his attorney general to prevent the prosecution of an engineering firm linked to the liberal party – SNC-Lavalin.

There was also the Cosplay Arabian dress up he did close to a decade ago which many brought up as racist, a decision he has duly apologised for, Both of which his opposition has honed in on as a target.

Andrew Scheer comes from a middle-class family sharply contrasting with Trudeau’s elitist background, was first elected into parliament at 25 years and became the youngest house speaker at 32. Scheer also has his own uphill battles with a revelation of him owning a dual citizenship status of the United States as well as Canada but announced plans to renounce his citizenship status. He also faces the premise tagging the conservatives of always having a hidden agenda.

Well, the controversy is sure to come to an end today as Canadians head to the Polls today.