Girls no longer free with teachers – TUC


The Trade Union Congress, TUC, has lamented that female children in Nigeria, especially in schools and tertiary institutions, are no longer safe with their teachers and lecturers because of abuses.

The TUC noted that after parents, female children related and were free with their teachers, noting that that had changed with the prevalent levels of sexual harassment and abuses.

TUC President, Quadri Olaleye, stated these in a speech delivered at an event in Abuja to mark the 2019 International Day of Girl Child with the theme: “With Her: A Skilled Girl Force.”

Annually, October 11th is set aside by the United Nations to raise awareness on gender inequalities, girl-child marriages, female genital mutilation, access to medical care, legal rights, good nutrition and access to education.

He said: “Comrades and friends, there is hardly any day we do not read news of parents, uncles, neighbours, teachers, even security operatives abusing young girls.

“The latest happened at one of our highly revered tertiary institution in the country. After parents the next set of people children relate and are free with used to be their teachers, unfortunately the girl children are no longer safe with them. Where do we go from here?

“I must commend the Senate for taking it upon themselves to correct the anomaly. I urge them to come up with capital punishment for people who indulge in such to deter others.”

Olaleye noted that the living conditions and survival of the girl-child in Nigeria and the preferential treatment of male children was disturbing.

He argued that the trend in the society had witnessed some changes but at a very slow rate.

“There are actually many things a skilled girl child, nay the female folk can achieve when given the opportunity. History is replete with women who have impacted lives and their generation.

“Nobody would have heard about late Margret Ekpo and Funmilayo Ransom-Kuti; former and current Finance Minister Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala and Zainab Ahmed, former USA first Lady Michelle Obama, German Chancellor Angela Merkel if they were not skilled and focused. Education ( not only in reading and writing) is key.

“A skilled girl is a potential to her generation. Government at all levels and parents must focus and channel more resources on girl child training. The injustice against the Girl Child must stop immediately. If you are here and you place your male children above the female then you must have a change of heart.

“Learn from the parents of the great women mentioned above. Discriminatory laws and beliefs should be done away with,” he said.