Footballers Wives Clash over secret leaks to the Media

rebecca vardy vs coleen rooney

Wife to Wayne Rooney, Manchester United star, Coleen has pointed accusing fingers at Leicester City Striker, Jamie Vardy’s wife, Rebecca Vardy.

The internet went agog after Coleen Rooney accused Rebecca Vardy of selling false stories about her and her family. In a twitter post, Rooney shared that for the past five months she has been secretly investigating to find out who was releasing information about her and her family to the press.

Coleen’s Instagram account is private and she follows only a handful of people whom she trusts, so she was appalled when the press especially The sun newspaper kept having access to her private information. Collen donned on her investigator hat and like Sherlock Holmes, she finally figured out the mystery.

She blocked her followers from seeing her stories except for one account which happened to be Rebecca Vardy’s. She then went on to post several false stories through her Instagram page and lo and behold, the stories made it to the Sun Newspaper.

Rooney shared that it had been a burden on her heart for the past few months and she was glad to finally get to the bottom of it. Rebekah Vardy has, of course, denied this saying that she would never sell her personal stories for money. She expressed her displeasure with the way Coleen handled the situation citing that she was heavily pregnant.

She claimed that different people had access to her Instagram page and she had never spoken to any journalists about Coleen. Ever since there have been several hashtags supporting Coleen and several memes about the situation.