No Love Lost between Donald Trump and teenage Climate Activist, Greta Thunberg


Greta Thunberg did not hide her disdain when President Donald Trump crashed her ‘little’ Climate change summit on Monday.

Trump wasn’t expected to be there and was supposed to be at a session on religious persecution instead, but to Greta’s obvious displeasure he showed up and her face was caught on camera. It was priceless.

Donald Trump who has made his opinions clear on what he thinks about climate change which obviously did not sit well with Greta as she made it clear that she would not be seeing the U.S President on her trip to the U.S in mid-August and said as much on her interview with CBS.

Why should I waste time talking to him when he, of course, is not going to listen to me?””I can’t say anything that he hasn’t already heard.”

Greta Thunberg

So it was indeed surprising that he would show up at the summit after withdrawing from the 2016 Paris Agreement and implying that he would skip the summit